Sunday, March 21, 2010

Map of Recreation Areas

Here are the proposed recreation areas that do not encroach on sensitive areas and are accessible by road. They are also in close proximity to water (but you might want to boil it). I used the Clip Tool to locate the Preserve areas that overlapped the recreation areas ( just for my assistance), then added a binary field to the Preserve layer and set it to 1. Then used Union to combine Preserve with buffer_union_single and Selected all records not having the Preserve bit set.The Tool output was as expected (love those spatial tools!). I had 79 features in the output layer. The smallest was 5656 sq meters, the largest 8055502.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gulf County Florida Property Tax Parcels

Here is Gulf County Florida. Most of the land is owned by a few entities, a surprising concentration of resources. This was a straight forward assignment.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week 7 UWF Campus Data Editing

This map shows several additions and corrections to existing layers, and a new layer for Athletic Fields. The editing functions were straightforward (once Sean C. helped me interpret the Lab instructions :). The ESRI Course made life easy!