Thursday, April 29, 2010

Intro Final Project - FPL Bobwhite - Manatee Line

Hi all. Here it is, my Analysis of Florida Power & Light's Bobwhite to Manatee project. It's electrifying.

Have a peaceful break and see you back in May.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hiking Shavano - Week 11 in 3-D

VRML is cool! My holiday in Shavano was fun. We hiked, mapped and did general Z-based tasks. Without a shadow of a doubt, think I'm now a TIN man.

Listen to Mom - Reclass your Veggies - Week 11

Raster data has become more 'friendly'; we mesh more often. Reclassifying raster data to allow analysis has opened more opportunities for a 'vector' guy. Are the poly's gone?

I chose classification colors that were more 'natural'. I struggle with the 'no-data' category - seems it should be de-emphasized, but this looks awkward.

Model Builder orbs - Week 11

Model Builder is great! Drag and drop macros allow iterative analysis without distracting tool selection (especially for informing casual decision makers).

Recreation Areas - Week 11

Here are a collection of Recreation Areas surrounding Tampa Bay. I've my canoe on the truck... Let's paddle!

I was unsure of the extent to show, as the Withlacooc Hee looks interesting, but makes for a scale that looses the labeling.

Cities & Roads - Week 11

Here are the Cities & Roads data, with Cities and Roads; really. Label Manager is a powerful tool; I've only used Attributes before.